The Trust has a project under way to put Britain’s Brewing Heritage Online.

We want people to enjoy our brewing heritage but with only 1% of 500,000 items on display it is currently difficult for anyone interested in beer and brewing heritage to have any visibility of the extent and breadth of the information and materials that exist. Our aim is accessibility. We want the general public – including beer lovers, social and industrial historians, students and schoolchildren, teachers and academics, transport enthusiasts, brewing professionals and beer writers – to be able to see what’s here so they can use our collection for research, education and general interest.

No other collection of this breadth and quality exists. It is unrivalled in its comprehensive coverage of the scope and impact of the UK brewing industry – literally from grain to glass – as well as for the sheer amount, as well as range and variety of material covering some 250 years and embracing dozens of brewing companies and hundreds of pub companies from across the UK. It provides an insight into the impact that beer has had on the British way of life over the centuries – in both rural and urban communities and at all levels of society.

As well as ultimately improving access to the cultural, social and economic role of British beer and brewing and building pride at a national and local level, the process of cataloguing the collection will also create volunteering opportunities for local people, providing valuable experience and building skills that could help them into future employment and training.