Heritage attraction plans available for comment

Heritage attraction plans available for comment

Just before Christmas the planning application was submitted for the High Street site in Burton upon Trent and it is now live for the public to view. The application comprises nearly 160 documents and includes plans for a number of buildings. Key among them is the...
Volunteers wanted!

Volunteers wanted!

Can you spare a few hours a week? Do you enjoy meeting new people and engaging with them? Are you friendly, approachable, helpful, informative and positive? Can you work a laptop, (laptop will be provided) with specific training if required? Do you have access to a...
Volunteers wanted!

Trust appoints new trustees

The National Brewery Heritage Trust has appointed two new trustees at its recent Annual General Meeting. Anthony Hughes and Tom Stainer were both appointed for an initial 3-year period. They join the charity which was established in 2012 to protect, preserve and...
Brewery heritage plans revealed

Brewery heritage plans revealed

This autumn has seen the launch of exciting plans to create a new brewing heritage visitor experience in Burton upon Trent. Partnering with East Staffordshire Borough Council we have been working together for several months on plans to develop Bass House on the High...
Salt pub mirror shines 

Salt pub mirror shines 

Many of the items in the National Brewery Collection are original items from pubs, designed by brewing companies to promote their beer ranges. Among the many items of glassware, pub games, ashtrays and signs, the Collection includes a large pub mirror produced for...