Last Bass train to Scarborough

Last Bass train to Scarborough

Friday 24th July 1914 was an important date for the employees of Bass Ratcliffe & Gretton. Starting at 3.40am a series of 14 specially chartered trains took over 7000 brewery workers and their families from Burton railway station on a day trip to the seaside. The...
Welcoming a new Master Brewer

Welcoming a new Master Brewer

Congratulations to Katherine Smart who has been elected as Master of the Brewers’ Company for 2024-25. Katherine started her distinguished career at Bass. In the late 1980’s she joined the Bass R&D Department in Burton while she studied for her Ph.D at the...
RAF 48 Squadron Always Over The Drink!

RAF 48 Squadron Always Over The Drink!

48 Squadron was formed at Netheravon on the 15th April 1916; the first unit of the then Royal Flying Corps to be equipped with the Bristol B.F.2 aircraft.  Posted to France on the 8th March 1917, the Squadron accounted for three hundred and seventeen kills during the...
Trustees statement

Trustees statement

Following the announcement by East Staffordshire Borough Council (see here for full details), the Trustees have made the following statement: The National Brewery Heritage Trust has been in close conversation with East Staffordshire Borough Council for some time about...